Activities and leisure

La boucle de l'Orne



The Orne Valley follows a vast hollow meander forming a small peninsula called Le Hom.

Leaving from Thury-Harcourt, this 6km walk takes you along a loop hollowed out by nature and offering superb panoramic views over the picturesque Suisse Normande area and the River Orne.
An easy and acessible walking route that takes you along some of the marked and maintained paths of Calvados over 2 hours and 30 minutes.
Set off and discover this itinerary by downloading the Cirkwi app onto your mobile, free of charge

 18. La Boucle de l'Orne 2024 WEB_compressed
 Download the GPX



Walks and hikes : Full-day walks, 6, Panorama, Easy
Difficulties of the journey : Easy


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