Based in Trouville-sur-Mer, the 'Petit Foc' association offers the possibility of sailing out to sea on a traditional boat from Calvados.
Thanks to volunteer action and public financing, the association has been able to restore a beautiful scallop boat from 1935, the François Monique. The current objective is to make this history-laden boat available to all, especially young people, thus bestowing it with educational and cultural value. Note also that the François Monique is present at many local events and other festivities (like the 'Fête de la Crevette' (shrimp festival) and the 'Fête des Marins' (sailor festival), in partnership with clubs like the Atelier Protégé, the CNTH, or the Maison des Jeunes. Boat trips aboard the François Monique leave from Trouville and are open to tourists in keeping with policy instated by department authorities to promote water sports and sailing.
Mean(s) of payments :
Postal or bank cheques,
Hiking :
Accompanying / Escorting
Pets allowed :