In the heart of the Suisse Normande, nestling on the banks of the river Orne, the Moulin Neuf gîte is in an exceptional environment: woods, meadows and cliffs. Less than a kilometre from Pont d’Ouilly and all it has to offer including the Outdoor Centre, this old town house has all modern comforts. Fully equipped kitchen, 50sqm dining room, 100sqm games room, internet access. Showers, handbasins, WC. Sitting room with fireplace, games, optional,TV, parking, shady garden, barbecue, garden tables. While you’re here, take advantage of the huge number of things to do nearby: canoeing and kayaking from Pont d’Ouilly to Clecy, tree climbing at the Roche d’Oetre, climbing in the Suisse Normande, vélo rail at Pont Erambourg or other types of visits like Vey Farm in Clecy or the Memorial to civilian life in the war in Falaise.
Mean(s) of payments :
Postal or bank cheques,
Carte bleue,
Holiday vouchers
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