Activities and leisure

District 14



District 14, is the third of a line of franchised centres, after Nîmes and Nantes, to propose an activity that can prove as physical as it is recreational, for children aged 5 years up and for adults. It involves jumping, climbing, swinging and moving across courses adapted to suit participants of all ages.

Structures are inspired by the TV programme ‘Ninja Warrior’ and are of progressive difficulty.

We propose supervised lessons for children, just like a regular sports club. Adult timeslots are available through membership to prepare for obstacle courses (OCR, Spartan racing, etc.), or simply to come and enjoy a recreational sport with a challenge in a family atmopshere.

We also organise children’s birthday parties, and a range of events for groups, associations, schools, leisure centres, businesses, etc. ‘Ninja kid’ courses are available during school holidays, together with themed training for adults.



Base rate : 15,00 €
Reduced rate : 12,00 € until 18 years
Base rate : 120,00 €
Base rate : 100,00 €
Child rate : 269,00 €
Mean(s) of payments : Postal or bank cheques, Money transfer, Carte bleue, Cash, Eurocard - Mastercard, Visa, Holiday vouchers, Contactless payment


Equipments & services : Car park, Toilets, Changing rooms, Shower
Age : 12-16 years, 6-12 years
Pets allowed : no


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